In today’s Growthshots, we discuss how to communicate your SaaS product effectively using a well-defined value proposition statement.
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You have identified a big enough problem to solve, and you have zeroed down on a solution to that problem. Now how do you communicate this to users especially if you don’t have a product?
The answer? A value proposition statement.
But first, you need to have data on a few variables. Make sure you have data on these variables while validating your idea. These 10 variables are:
1. Who is the end user?
2. What use case is the user trying to execute
3. How are they executing this use case?
4. What is the problem with doing this?
5. Why is it a limitation to the user?
6. What is it costing the user in terms of his end goal?
7. How does your solution remove this limitation?
8. What features does your product have to make this happen?
9. What benefits will the user get because of these features?
10. How will these benefits take him closer to his end goal?
Answering these questions in this order will give you your value proposition. Let’s use Figma as an example.
The end user is a design lead. His use-case is he’s trying to design a web app interface with his team. He is doing this currently using Sketch.
But the problem is the process is really slow and inefficient. Why? Because Sketch doesn’t allow multiple people to work on the same file at the same time.
This prevents the design lead from shipping faster and getting the product to market. With Figma, the designer can work with team-mates in the same file at the same time.
The feature is called real-time collaboration. This enables the design lead to build products with his team and build off each others’ ideas, ship faster and get the product to market.
Your value prop is the basis on which your marketing for your product will be consolidated. All subsequent marketing efforts across channels will be a subset of this value prop statement.
Make sure to use this syntax whenever you are coming up with a new feature or a pivoting to a new product.
Until then…
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Attract & close high-intent buyers from your landing page
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Your landing page is the first thing that prospects see when they land on your page. Your copy needs to communicate your value prop effectively & target their pain points and how your solution helps them.
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Some more examples:
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