Hello friends, welcome to GrowthShot #56. Today’s theme is:
Create your minimum viable positioning statement for your SaaS- all in less than 250 words
Let’s dive in
Good Buy is brought to you by:
Positioning is powerful because it anchors your product at the sweet spot in the product-market continuum.
Choose which level your user falls under:
L1 - User has come to realize that he has a problem in his current way of doing things but hasn’t taken any steps yet to solve his problem
L2 - User is now shopping and has become aware of competing solutions in the market including your product
L3 - User has committed to solving his problem but he is open to switching over from alternatives because of shortcomings in alternatives
L1 positioning statement -> {ICP}} faces {{problem}} & in executing {{use case}} in {{product category}}. This problem is costing you {{second order problems}} that prevent you from reaching your {{goal}}. With this product, this problem doesn’t exist because of product {{benefit 1, 2, 3}} so you can achieve {{goal}}
L2 Positioning Statement -> {{ICP}} faces {{problem}} in executing {{use case}} in {{product category}}. The alternatives suck because of {{limitations}} preventing them from reaching their {{goal}}. With our {{features}}, these limitations don’t exist because of {{Benefits}} so you can achieve {{Goal}}
L3 Positioning Statement -> You’ve tried {{alternatives}} but they have {limitations}} and generate {{problems}} for you. Our product gets rid of the {{limitations}} using {{features}} that have {{benefits}} and help you get closer to actually solving your core {{problem}} in {{use-case}}
For L1, anchor on the problem that the user is facing. For L2, anchor on the problem and show how your product solves these problems better than alternatives
For L3, anchor against the alternatives’ shortcomings & highlight the awesomeness of your product
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